Bash Shell Scripting: Logical Operators and integer conditional statements
July 21, 2020
read -p "Enter a number: " num
if ((num == 10)); then
echo "Your number equals 10"
if ((num > 10)); then
echo "It is greater than 10"
if ((num < 10)); then
echo "It is less than 10"
if (( ((num % 2)) == 0 )); then
echo "It is even"
# using logical operators &&, || and !
if (( ((num > 0)) && ((num < 11)) )); then
echo "$num is between 1 and 10"
# &&, || can also used as control structures
# create a file and then if that worked open it in gedit
touch samp_file && gedit samp_file
# if samp_dir doesn't exist, make it
[ -d samp_dir ] || mkdir samp_dir
# delete file
rm samp_file
# delete directory
rmdir samp_dir